
Broken Hearted is an original English-Language visual novel created by Rest in Peace Production. It follows Nat Levy, a 23 year old New Yorker, as he remembers the love of his life, Heather, and tries to cope with her loss on 9/11. It is a story of love, sadness... and hope.



Broken Hearted 1.0 was released on September 11, 2006. It runs on Window 98+, Mac OS X 10.3+, and Linux x86. Please download the file appropriate for you platform, you do not need to download all four files.

These files will soon be mirrored at the Ren'Ai Archive.

Broken Hearted may be redistributed and modified under the terms of the MIT license. If you want to show your support for this project, please consider donating to the World Trade Center Memorial Foundation.

About Us

Broken Hearted was created by Rest in Peace Production, an international game-making group. The best way to contact us all is to post in the Broken Hearted thread at the Lemma Soft forums.

Broken Hearted was created by:


Antony Chow (Puppychow) is a long-time New York City resident who was raised in the Hometown of the New York Mets, where he currently resides. A product of the NYC public school system, he is a graduate of PS 21Q, JHS 189Q, Stuvyesant HS, and Baruch College/CUNY. A prolific reviewer, he has almost 100 reviews posted online at,, and other websites. He is currently writing his first novel.

Character Artist

David Mcnab has been a greatly reclusive Japanese animation artist for the last 15 years, but has recently sought the public eye with his own page on deviantART, under the assumed name of 'shenhua'. Having never had any teaching in the art of Japanese animation, he never stops trying to better his styles through assimilating some of the styles of his favourite artists. Some of these are Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, Range Murata, Masakazu Katsura, Kiyohiko Azuma and Ugetsu Hakua. Born and residing in Australia, David has lived both in America and Japan, and has moved around the east coast of Australia to live on 9 separate occasions. Currently an avid collector of Japanese anime figurines and anything Japanese-related, David has willingly accepted the role of cheif designer/artist of the emotion-filled game Broken Hearted.

Any and every message is welcomed, and can be forwarded to David Mcnab at deibi_manabu at or go to and check out his realistic works too.


Matthew E. Prindiville is an aspiring composer and musician from southern New Hampshire who is presently pursuing a degree in music-education at Plymouth State University. With a background in both classical and popular music, his compositions often try to incorporate elements of both aesthetics without being tied down to one specific genre. Though his music has been likened to the ambient side of Moby, he lists composers such as Leonard Bernstein, Danny Elfman, Henry Mancini, & Gustav Holst, and musicians/groups like Mice Parade, Charles Mingus, & Nirvana as some of his major influences. Although creating the music for Broken Hearted: A 9-11 Story was his first major, non-scholastically related composing project, he has released music under the aliases of Matt E.P. and Malachy Malarkey. He has a Myspace-Music page at where there are a few examples of some of his other work. He can be contacted through his Myspace page or at mattprindiville at with any questions, comments, or ideas for projects in the future. He welcomes any feedback anyone might want to give.


PyTom is the creator of the Ren'Py Visual Novel Engine and the Moonlight Walks visual novel. When not helping make visual novels, he works as a Computer Scientist. He lives on Long Island, NY. He may be reached by emailing pytom at


Blue Lemma is an anime game developer and the founder of the Lemma Soft forums. His games can be downloaded from


Broken Hearted was made using the Ren'Py Visual Novel Engine, a free and open source tool for making visual novels.

Link to Us

Sid Ceaser has contributed a banner you can use to link to this site. The following code adds it to your site:

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